Hi there! If you are reading this, you most likely made it to my new blog. And maybe you have a few questions. Let me explain.
What is the point of the blog?
I use YouTube for live content. Live content is good for raw, unfiltered in-the-moment kinds of content, but I've noticed that that's not all I want to create. So whenever I want to share thoughts and stories in a format that is better suited to being read as compared to being watched, I will use this blog now.
What kind of posts can I expect here?
Think of this as an extension of the channel. All sorts of things and ideas related to video games and technology.
- postmortem discussions of streams from my perspective
- reviews of games that I play off-stream
- additional updates to projects that I want to start on the channel
- perhaps some short guides for stuff I use on the channel
- and more!
And this means that you're going to start streaming again?
Yes! At least that is the plan. Life got in the way before and it will again, but I plan on adjusting my schedule and my expectations of myself in a way that will prevent me from taking month-long breaks again. There are still a lot of ideas I want to try out, after all.
Adjustments to the schedule?
I've decided that having a public schedule is not conducive to my long-term motivation in keeping this going. So I've made the decision to not hold myself to any schedules for the time being. The pressure I felt in needing to stick to my schedule didn't align with the goals that I was pursuing this whole thing with in the first place. So from now on until I decide otherwise, streams will happen whenever. No promises anymore, streams will happen when I can make the time for them. In addition to that, I will start prerecording videos to air as live premieres when I think it makes sense.
What are your goals for the channel and this blog, then?
My priority is to create content that I enjoy creating. Focusing on making my streams presentable is only third on my list of priorities, after enjoying it and doing it in a way that is sustainable for me.
Think of my videos and streams not as being primarily made to entertain you just yet, but as me sharing with you a glimpse into my journey of getting better at it and discovering what it is like to run a YouTube channel, at least for the time being.